Thursday, February 19, 2009

When God Closes a Door

This is the home I am leaving. I've only been here for one year, but I have some wonderful memories. Mostly of James and I being here together, the Columbia girls coming over and the dogs in the fields out back.

But one very important memory that I will always treasure, is what we now refer to in my family as The Front Porch Meeting. It was the day all six of us were together with Mom and Dad for the first time since their 50th wedding anniversary celebration in 2001. We all sat on the front porch on a glorious November day, just a few days before Dad found out he had liver cancer. We came together to discuss options for them, and mainly to make Mom feel like she had somewhere to go when dad is gone.

It was a magnificent day, and I think probably one of Mom and Dad's favorite days of their lives. They are still talking about it.

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