Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Magic Shirt

This may look like just an ordinary red shirt to you, hanging on the back of the door. But this shirt is extraordinary! It almost has magical powers. Tis true. For real.

Dad gave me this shirt, it was his. Mom has always tried to push her clothes off onto me and Ashley and neither one of us want to wear them. They are old lady clothes, for one. And two ~ I'm a tomboy! I HATE lady clothes!

So one day a year or so ago when I was in Bay Head, Mom tried to give me a bunch of clothes. I declined as nicely as I could, then ran to hide in my room. An hour later Dad knocks on the door. I open to find him standing in the hallway with a sheepish look on his face, and in his arms is a big stack his old polo shirts. The red one was on top. He said, "Mom thought you might like these."

Of course I took them, and of course it was a set up. As soon as they were in my hands Dad said, "Oh golly, I told Mom you wouldn't take my clothes either."

Argh! Damn bitch set us up! Just to pay her back for being so self centered and evil, I kept the shirts and wore the red one the rest of the time I was visiting them. Just to be a pissy ass bitch myself.

The weird thing was, I got some of my best writing done that weekend, when I was wearing the red shirt. The words just flew from my heart and soul and spilled out onto the paper looking like a seasoned writer's polished novel. I was so happy with everything that I started to wear the red short every time I wrote.

Now, there is a noticeable difference when I write while wearing the red shirt, and when I write without wearing it. It's my lucky shirt, my creative muse, my happy place and comfort food all rolled up into one. I think I'll wear it to the Princeton conference the end of this month. That'll show them!


  1. please don't use "~" when you write. It's not a real punctuation mark.

  2. also, it hurts me when you use curse-words in your blog; let's keep this G for everyone to enjoy!!

  3. "~" is pretty, #1. And I don't use it in real writing. Only where I can get away with it since you taught me how to do it the other way (double typing the - and hitting enter, which doesn't work here .... so the blog God's must like the "~").
    And #2 it crossed my mind when I wrote pissy ass that it was a little ... hmm, well it was a little pissy? But then I thought, there are only three people who get to see this thing and they all know me well enough to know that swearing is my only remaining vice.
    But it makes me happy that you read it. :-)
