Monday, March 2, 2009

Nice Surprises Today

It's Dad's 84th birthday. There was a time we didn't think he'd be here for this day. It seems fitting that I would see and experience things today that made me smile and made me feel well cared for.

I'm not used to having someone do things for me, like move bookcases back against the wall, or change light bulbs on my outside light. Not used to someone shoveling my walkway either, and it was such a nice surprise to come home from work on this super snowy day and find the walkway all the way to my door shoveled and cleaned off!

That makes me think about the osprey story, which I will write on another da
y. But I know Dad would be very appreciative of the people who do those kinds of nice things for me.

Speaking of the osprey story, I saw on Facebook that today is Norm St. Landau's birthday, too. Another of my favorite people born on this day.

Then one of the nicest surprises of the day was getting this lovely photo of Peach in the snow this evening. The kind of photo you wait years to get. I'm having two enlargements made and will send one to Ed Briggs, who I bought her from. Peach's mother, Misty, is dying from cancer, so I think he will appreciate the photo.

Maybe I'll send one to Dad, too. Happy Birthday Dad!

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