Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Muse Wall

This is a photo I just took of the beginnings of my Muse Wall in the new house. I have this great big empty wall with high ceilings in front of my computer and I decided to do this wall a little different than the last house. This time I am laminating and mounting the photos. So I have a long, long way to go before I am done.

In case you are wondering how I pick the photos that go on this wall, the common denominators are that A.) I took all these photos myself, and B.) Each one of them represents something about my life that is motivating me to finish my book. Each of them stirs something up in my heart that reminds me to keep going when I feel like I can't do it anymore.

Top left photo is one of the first I ever took in Wyoming. It was taken at Schwabachers, which we found by mistake. The photo was a surprise, too, because when I took it I didn't realize the reflection of the mountains would come through on the photo. It was this photo that made me interested in photography.

Right underneath is a photo of Dad taken in Mexico. I now own the shirt he is wearing (see notes below). I don't think I will be done with the book before he goes, but his pride in me is the thing that motivates me the most.

* There is a photo of my lovely niece, Kensie, taken last summer in Wyoming.
* The very blue photo of the Snake River and the Tetons was taken from the back of a horse named Ginger on one of my favorite rides ever. It is views like this that make me know I am supposed to live there, in the shadow of those mountains.
* The lupine photo is one of my favorites, taken out by Mormon Row last summer.
* Right above that is a photo of my perfect Peach in the snow at the new house.
* To the right is a photo of a baby deer hiding in the grass along the side of Spirit Dance Rd.
* Wild mountain bluebells (I waited 6 years to get back to WY at just the right time to get that photo!)
* Below that the horses running out for the evening at TriangleX with the Tetons in the distance. * To the right is a photo of Craig and James taken on one of those special single parent days when we all went sledding and drank hot chocolate.
* And last, for now, is the rooster place where Mom, Dad, Ash and I found in Vermont when we went on a trip in 2005.

More to come. This is just the start. Evetually the whole wall will be filled with my photos that I can glance up at as I type happily away on Book II!!!!!

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